MY Access!
- Personal Editions are effective, efficient, and affordable solutions to help students and professionals develop the strong writing skills they need to be successful in both academic and professional efforts.
- If you're an educator or school administrator for K-12 or higher education and are interested in learning more about Vantage Learning's award-winning, web-delivered instructional, assessment and professional development programs.
- If you're interested in implementing Vantage Learning's multilingual e-learning solutions outside of the United States
It's A great tool for everybody and can help us all learn more and enhance our knowledge.Not only does it make you a better writter, it makes wirting fun and competitve for the students. My Access should be used by all teachers in the school systems as well as business's and corperations.
MY Access!
- For personal use!
- Web-based applications for educators!
- Multillingual E- Learning Solutions